Patent published on August 3, 2023

Sony's Patent Revolutionizes Light Detection with Innovative Pinhole Device

Sony has recently filed a patent for a revolutionary light detection device that could revolutionize the way we detect light. The patent, filed by Sony Group and numbered US20230246049A1, describes a device that consists of a pinhole body with a hole in it, and an optical sensor behind it.

The pinhole body has an innovative design where the hole has two parts, one side of which is smaller than the other. This design makes it possible to reduce the depth of the pinhole while still maintaining a high angle of view. This is a major breakthrough, as it allows for a more compact design without compromising on the quality.

The device is highly sensitive and can detect even the smallest amount of light, making it perfect for applications such as nighttime surveillance and astronomy. It can also be used in areas such as medical imaging, where it could offer a more accurate and detailed image of what is being observed.

The device has a number of advantages over other light detection techniques. For example, it is more efficient as it takes less time to detect light. It is also more precise, as it can detect even the smallest amount of light. This makes it possible to create more accurate images and detect smaller objects, which could be useful for medical imaging.

The device could also be used in a variety of other applications. For example, it could be used in the automotive industry for night vision. It could also be used in security systems, allowing for more accurate and detailed images. Finally, it could be used in consumer electronics, allowing for better and more detailed images on devices such as smartphones and cameras.

The patent filed by Sony Group is a major breakthrough in the field of light detection and could have far-reaching implications for a variety of industries. While it is possible that the patent may never be turned into a product, the potential applications of this technology are clear. It could revolutionize the way we detect light, opening up a whole world of possibilities.

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