Patent published on July 20, 2023

Inviza Introduces Innovative Wearable Device Interaction via Touchscreen GUI

Inviza is introducing a new way to interact with wearable devices. The patent, US20230229284A1, has been filed by the company and is an innovative way to manage health parameters such as heart rate, calorie count and others, and interact with a wearable device using a phone’s touchscreen and swiping, pressing and holding the icons that represent the parameters.

Inviza’s patent could revolutionize the way people interact with their wearable devices, making it easier to track and monitor their health. It could also help enable people to make healthier lifestyle choices and manage their health more effectively.

The patent describes a system that allows a person to interact with a wearable device such as a fitness tracker, using their phone’s touchscreen. The system consists of a ring of icons, each one representing a different health parameter such as heart rate, calorie count, and more. By swiping, pressing and holding the icons, a person can control the wearable device.

In addition, the patent describes self-powered sensors and actuators that can be included in the wearable devices. These sensors and actuators are designed to be as small and as lightweight as possible, so as to maximize comfort and convenience for the user.

The patent also introduces a graphical user interface (GUI) that can be used to control the wearable devices. This GUI is designed to make it easier for the user to interact with the device and track their health. The GUI will be hosted on a smartphone, tablet, laptop or other computing device and will allow the user to customize the icons, settings and other aspects of the device.

The patent also includes an acknowledgement of a prior patent application, U.S. Patent No. 17/373,690, entitled “Piezo-Elements for Wearable Devices.” This patent application describes a system that includes piezo-elements, which are small, lightweight sensors that can be included in wearable devices.

With Inviza’s patent, the company is introducing a revolutionary way to interact with wearable devices. The patent’s system could make it easier for people to track and monitor their health, allowing them to make healthier lifestyle choices and manage their health more effectively.

The patent is still pending, so it is uncertain whether the technology will come to the market or not. However, if it does, it could be a game changer for the wearable device market. People could finally be able to interact with their wearable devices more easily and efficiently.

Inviza is the company behind this patent and it is an innovative technology company that specializes in wearable devices. The company has been at the forefront of the wearable device market since its inception and is constantly striving to bring new and improved technologies to the market.

Although the patent is still pending, it is an exciting development in the wearable device market. If it is approved, the patent could revolutionize the way people interact with their wearable devices, making it easier to track and monitor their health. It remains to be seen whether this patent will come to fruition, but it is certainly an exciting development in the wearable device market.

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